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Performing actions / working with gestures via Live Preview (SwiftUI)

I have CustomToggle and I want to test it via Live Preview. The problem is that tapping on toggle via Live Preview does nothing, but works well when running Simulator.

struct CustomToggle: View {
    @Binding var isOn: Bool

    // ... displaying CustomToggle view
    // ... and toggling isON onTapGesture

struct CustomToggle_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    @State static var isOn = true
    static var previews: some View {
        CustomToggle(isOn: $isOn)


  • You can define a struct for this purpose:

    struct StatefulPreviewWrapper<Value, Content: View>: View {
        @State var value: Value
        var content: (Binding<Value>) -> Content
        var body: some View {
        init(_ value: Value, content: @escaping (Binding<Value>) -> Content) {
            self._value = State(wrappedValue: value)
            self.content = content

    Then use it in your preview like this:

    struct CustomToggle_Previews: PreviewProvider {
        static var previews: some View {
            StatefulPreviewWrapper(false) { CustomToggle(isOn: $0) }