I try to convert h5
to iOS mlModel
I follow Quick Start to get h5
file by this link.
Then, I use coremltools
to convert h5
to mlModel
this is my code
mlModel = coremltools.converters.keras.convert('./yoloDone.h5',
input_name_shape_dict={'image': [None, 416, 416, 3]})
But I find some error in output shape.
This is correct output.
This is my output, the type is not same.
The correct model, output1
is 255x13x13.
But my model, output1
is 1x1x255x13x13.
What should I do to edit ?
1x1x255x13x13 is the same thing as 255x13x13 except that you have 5 dimensions instead of 3.
If you want the mlmodel to output 255x13x13, you'll have to fill in the output shape in the spec.description.output
using coremltools.