I am building a ~largish app with about ~50 components (class definitions and window.customElements.define calls). Do I need to be concerned on how many I define? Can having too much slow down the browsers Dom parsing? Is there a limit to how many I can define?
You won't hit limits with general DOM recommendations:
Here is 5000 Custom Elements, all nested:
let startTime = new Date() / 1;
let fragment = new DocumentFragment();
let nested = fragment;
let name, nr = 5000;
let done = `${nr} elements done in `;
do {
name = "e-" + nr;
customElements.define(name, class extends HTMLElement {
connectedCallback() {
nested = nested.appendChild(document.createElement(name));
} while (--nr);
document.body.append(done, new Date() / 1 - startTime, " milliseconds ", fragment)
Comparing speed is a bit senseless ... my Chrome with 30+ extensions is slower than my Edge without any extensions.
I did 52 SVG playing cards(in 16 Kb) with Autonomous elements:
Yeah! great Semantic HTML..
But you can NOT do partial nodeName (CSS) selectors
So in the end a single Autonomous Element:
<playing-card is="ace-of-hearts"></playing-card>
made more sense, to be able to use CSS:
border : 2px solid green;
and JavaScript:
let aces = document.querySelectorAll('[is*="ace"]');