I need a method that returns a class with unspecified type or null.
I need this to handle API requests like, I'm requesting a file, let's say an image and an other file like a video and I need different types for that. If the image / video is not found, I want to return null.
I've already tried Nullables but I'm probably doing it the wrong way.
T? SendRequest<T?>(string pathOnServer)
HttpResponseMessage response = SendTheRequest(pathOnServer);
return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result);
return null;
It is simple.
You just need to limit the method to what you say it should return.
returns a class with unspecified type or null.
That is T SendReuest<T> (string pathOnServer) where T : class
As classes automatically can be nullable that is all that is needed. You just need to limit T to be a CLASS - not anything.