I have this code below, How would I do it if I want to control the spacing between the numbers. 1 0 , 5 6 5 , 6 6 0 . 8 8 ( currently 1 white space ) - This is the current output, I want more spaces between every numbers maybe 3 or more white space. Thank you in advance.
<?php session_start() ; ?>
<?php require "../db_connection304.php" ; ?>
$pdf = new FPDI();
if (isset($_POST["submit"])) {
$payroll_month = mysqli_real_escape_string($connection304, $_POST['payroll_month']);
$year = preg_split("/[-_ ]+/", $payroll_month) ;
$year = $year[1] ;
$payrolldate1 = str_replace('_','', $payroll_month) ;
$payroll_date2 = date_create_from_format("FjY","$payrolldate1") ;
$monthly_statutory = date_format($payroll_date2,"m") ;
$query = "SELECT SUM( GROSS_PAY ) AS gross_pay FROM ".$_SESSION['$company_code']."_".$year." WHERE MONTH(PAYROLL_PERIOD) = '{$monthly_statutory}' ";
$result_gross_pay = mysqli_query($connection304,$query) ;
while($row_gross_pay = mysqli_fetch_array($result_gross_pay)) {
$gross_pay = $row_gross_pay['gross_pay'] ;
$gross_pay = number_format($gross_pay,2 ) ;
$gross_pay_withspace = chunk_split($gross_pay,1,' ') ;
chunk_split($gross_pay,1,' ') ;
chunk_split($gross_pay,1," ") ;
//no. of " " varies based on requirement