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CherryPy : Is there a best way to split the project in multiple files?

I'm new to CherryPy, coming from Django. I liked the way Django split the various parts of the project into many files, and I'd like to do the same in CherryPy, instead of having one big file.

I think it would be great if I could split the project in these parts:

  • : The core of CherryPy, where the server starts
  • : Containing all the urls, probably using RoutesDispatcher
  • : Via SQLAlchemy, containing all the models
  • : Pretty obvious ;)

I'm not asking for a complete code paste here, a link to an example/pastebin/gist is perfect too :)

Thanks for your help.


  • Well, I'll answer myself on that one :p

    I found a Google Groups post that poses the basics on how to structure your CherryPy application.

    In that post, there is a link to a Bitbucket CherryPy application example that is very well structured and could be used as a base example for any CherryPy application.