I am migrating from springfox 2.9.0 to springdoc-openapi-ui 1.2.33. I have a requirement to show or hide the PathVariable on swagger ui based on condition. I have two paths like below
String nameIdentifier = "{fisrtName}/{lastName}"
String nameIdentifier = "{fisrtName}"
I am passing one of the above nameIdentifier based on the requirement.
I am using a single controller for the above paths as shown below
@GetMapping(path = "persons/${nameIdentifier}/display")
public List<Person> getPersons(@PathVariable String fisrtName,
@IgnoreLastName @PathVariable Optional<String> lastName) {
In springfox I was able to achieve it using docket.ignoredParameterTypes(IgnoreLastName.class)
as shown below.
public Docket api() {
Docket docket;
docket = new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2).select()
if (!nameIdentifier.contains("lastName")) {
return docket;
But in springdoc open api I am unable to achieve the same. Your help appreciated in the same. Coding is done in java
You can use @Hidden
swagger annotations or @Parameter(hidden = true)
If you can not pass on parameter level, you can set it globally: You will need to upgrade to v1.3.0 of springdoc-openapi-ui.
static {