Is it possible to display an html <table>
as a table inside an dynamic textarea using .htmlText
And an additional question: is there any other way to display a table inside a text?
Textareas are what they are : text areas.
However, it seems to work for basic tables.
I tried something like that with and instantiated a textarea named toto
toto.html = true;
toto.htmlText = "<table> <tr> <td> a </td> <td> b </td> </tr> <tr> <td> c </td> <td> d </td> </tr> <tr> <td> e </td> <td> f </td> </tr> </table>"; //spaces seem very important
However I have to warn you that text areas are not meant to display full HTML. Even if they possess some features about it. If you have to display a table it's surely possible to do it differently.