I was trying to convert a C code from the following source to implement Dijkstra with a partially ordered tree as a priority queue and linked adjacency lists as the representation of the graph. http://infolab.stanford.edu/~ullman/fcsccode/fig9.44-47.txt
I did the following, but it doesn't work as expected and also throws an Indexerror.
class Node():
def __init__(self):
self.name = None
self.label = None
self.next = None
class GraphElement():
def __init__(self):
self.dist = None
self.successors = None
self.toPot = None
MAX = 6
INFTY = 100
def swap(a, b, G, P):
temp = Node()
temp = P[b]
P[b] = P[a]
P[a] = temp
G[P[a]].toPot = a
G[P[b]].toPot = b
def priority(a, G, P):
return G[P[a]].dist
def bubbleUp(a, G, P):
if (a > 1):
if priority(a, G, P) < priority(a//2, G, P):
swap(a, a//2, G, P)
bubbleUp(a//2, G, P)
def bubbleDown(a, G, P, last):
child = 2*a
if (child < last):
if priority(child+1, G, P) < priority(child, G, P):
child += 1
def initialize(G, P, pLast):
for i in range(0, MAX):
G[i].dist = INFTY
G[i].toPot = i+1
P[i+1] = i
# P[0] = 0
G[0].dist = 0
pLast = MAX
def Dijkstra(G, P, pLast):
u = Node()
v = Node()
initialize(G, P, pLast)
count = 1
while(pLast >= 1):
v = P[1]
swap(1, pLast, G, P)
pLast -= 1
bubbleDown(1, G, P, pLast)
ps = G[v].successors
while (ps != None):
u = ps.name
print(str(count) + " to " + str(u) + ":")
if G[u].dist > G[v].dist + ps.label:
G[u].dist = G[v].dist + ps.label
bubbleUp(G[u].toPot, G, P)
ps = ps.next
if __name__ == '__main__':
A12 = Node()
A12.name = 2
A12.label = 4
A13 = Node()
A13.name = 3
A13.label = 1
A14 = Node()
A14.name = 4
A14.label = 5
A15 = Node()
A15.name = 5
A15.label = 8
A16 = Node()
A16.name = 6
A16.label = 10
A32 = Node()
A32.name = 2
A32.label = 2
A45 = Node()
A45.name = 5
A45.label = 2
A56 = Node()
A56.name = 6
A56.label = 1
graph = []
for i in range(MAX):
graph[0].successors = A12
A12.next = A13
A13.next = A14
A14.next = A15
A15.next = A16
A16.next = None
graph[1].successors = None
graph[2].successors = A32
A32.next = None
graph[3].successors = A45
A45.next = None
graph[4].successors = A56
A56.next = None
graph[5].successors = None
potNodes = []
for i in range(MAX+1):
PotNode = []
for i in range(MAX):
print("The shortest path from node: ")
Dijkstra(graph, potNodes, MAX)
It produces the following output:
1 to 2:
1 to 3:
1 to 4:
1 to 5:
1 to 6:
Dijkstra(graph, potNodes, MAX)
if G[u].dist > G[v].dist + ps.label:
IndexError: list index out of range
Process finished with exit code 1
**Expected output:
1 to 2:
1 to 3:
1 to 4:
1 to 5:
1 to 6:
Can someone help me to find out why I'm getting the wrong results? Thank you!
Your indexes are incorrect on the line the error is on and a few other lines
print(str(count) + " to " + str(u) + ":")
if G[u-1].dist > G[v].dist + ps.label:
G[u-1].dist = G[v].dist + ps.label
bubbleUp(G[u-1].toPot, G, P)
You also need to amend these two lines to get the correct result:
G[P[a]].toPot = a-1
G[P[b]].toPot = b-1
The shortest path from node:
1 to 2:
1 to 3:
1 to 4:
1 to 5:
1 to 6:
1 to 2:
1 to 5:
1 to 6: