I'm able to sum up the value of each True statement per row, but I can't get it to print in a column format next to the result.
`res = eval(exp) # evaluate the logical input from the user
print(res) # this prints the result of the logical expression in a column format`
This section of the code evaluates my logical expression from the user input and prints the True/False result in a column format as desired. However, I can't figure out how to display my sum of each row's Truth value in the same format. Underneath this code I sum up each row of the truth table, but can only get it to print at the bottom of my result. Below is how I am summing up each row.
res = eval(exp) # evaluate the logical input from the user
print(res) # this prints the result of the logical expression in a column format
truth_sum = [] # I create this list
for row in truth_table: # I parse the each row in the truth table
truth_sum.append(sum(row)) # and sum up each True statement
print("Wrong Expression")
print(*truth_sum, sep="\n") # This line is my problem. I can't figure how to print this next to each result
If I place the print(*truth_sum, sep="\n")
above the except:
it prints it out after each Truth Table row. How would I get the sum list to print out next to the logical expression column? Here is my complete code for better understanding.
`import itertools
truth_table = 0
val = 0
exp = ''
p1 = 0
p2 = 0
p3 = 0
p4 = 0
p5 = 0
p6 = 0
pos = 0
# This function takes care of taking users input
def get_input():
global val
while True:
val = int(input("Please Enter the number of parameters, 1 - 5: "))
if val < 1 or val > 5:
print(f"Enter a value [0,6)")
except ValueError:
print(f"Only Numbers are Allowed, Try Again..")
# This function takes care of the Truth Table header
def table_header():
print("========================TRUTH TABLE===============================")
print("*" * 20 * val)
# This is the Main method
def main():
# Global Variables
global val
global truth_table
global exp
global p1
global p2
global p3
global p4
global p5
global pos
# Call the userInput Function
# Creating the truth table
truth_table = list(itertools.product([True, False], repeat=val))
exp = input("Enter a Logical Statement i.e [(p1 and p2) or p3]: [p1==p2==p3==...Pn:]:").lower()
# printing Table Layout
for par in truth_table:
pos = 0
if val == 1:
p1 = par[0]
elif val == 2:
p1, p2 = par[0], par[1]
elif val == 3:
p1, p2, p3 = par[0], par[1], par[2]
elif val == 4:
p1, p2, p3, p4 = par[0], par[1], par[2], par[3]
p1, p2, p3, p4, p5 = par[0], par[1], par[2], par[3], par[4]
pos = 0
while pos < val:
print(par[pos], end='\t\t')
pos = pos + 1
res = eval(exp) # evaluate the logical input from the user
print(res) # this prints the result of the logical expression in a column format
truth_sum = [] # I create this list
for row in truth_table: # I parse the each row in the truth table
truth_sum.append(sum(row)) # and sum up each True statement
print("Wrong Expression")
print(*truth_sum, sep="\n") # This line is my problem. I can't figure how to print this next to
each result
if __name__ == "__main__":
Here is an example of my output.
`Please Enter the number of parameters, 1 - 5: 2
Enter a Logical Statement i.e [(p1 and p2) or p3]: [p1==p2==p3==...Pn:]:p1 and p2
========================TRUTH TABLE===============================
p1 p2 p3 p4 p5
True True True
True False False
False True False
False False False
How do I get this sum list of each row of True values to display next to the logical expression result instead of at the bottom?
I've written here the version of the code I'd write for this task avoiding the eval() method (as suggested by Chris Doyle) and adopting the main idea of saving the data in RAM before to print anything. In this way you can then print it as you prefer.
The following code is "minimized" in order to be understood. Therefore some stuff is not included (e.g. the table header). Anyway you can add it then easily.
import itertools
# Hard-coded expression to evaluate the parameters of the truth table
EXPRESSION = lambda array: array[0] and array[1]
# function to count the total number of true in a row
TRUE_COUNTER = lambda array: sum([int(x==True) for x in array])
truth_table = list(itertools.product([True, False], repeat=PARAMETERS_NUMBER))
# array with the result of the truth table for each row
results = [EXPRESSION(row) for row in truth_table]
# array with the number of true for each parameter row
true_numbers = [TRUE_COUNTER(row) for row in truth_table]
# print the table
for row, result, true_number in zip(truth_table, results, true_numbers):
print(row, result, true_number, "\n")
Let me know if it is enough clear and useful for your task.