I am using openGl ES 3.0 in android to render a rect on screen, and I want to use shaders to generate a mix of colors depending on vertex positions.
I am sure that the problem is in the vertex and in the fragment shader code, but I don't know what is it, these are the shader codes:
private final String vertexShaderCode =
"#version 300 es"+
"in vec3 position;" +
"out vec3 color;"+
"void main() {" +
" gl_Position = vec4(position.x,position.y,position.z,1.0);" +
" color = vec3(position.x+0.5,1.0,position.y+0.5);"+
private final String fragmentShaderCode =
"#version 300 es"+
"in vec3 color;"+
"out vec4 out_color;"+
"void main() {" +
" out_color= vec4(color.x,color.y,color.z,1.0);" +
I am trying to fill the shape with color based on vertex position, so its a mixture of generated colors for each pixel.
But I don't why its not working?
I have 3 info:
Link failed because of invalid vertex shader.
Language version '300' unknown, this compiler only supports up to version '320 es'
Unexpected text found after #version directive.
Your shader code does not compile successfully, because you missed the newlines (\n
). The version declaration has to be in a separate line:
"#version 300 es\n"+
See OpenGL ES Shading Language 3.00 Specification - 3.4 Version Declaration:
directive must be present in the first line of a shader and must be followed by a newline.
Furthermore you have to add a precision qualifier for the floating point variables to the fragment shader. e.g.:
"#version 300 es\n"+
"precision mediump float;\n"+
See OpenGL ES Shading Language 3.00 Specification - 4.5.4 Default Precision Qualifiers:
The fragment language has no default precision qualifier for floating point types. Hence for float, floating point vector and matrix variable declarations, either the declaration must include a precision qualifier or the default float precision must have been previously declared.