I just recently found out about Vega/Vega-Lite and Altair and see it as a genuine contender for best python plotting tool.
The thing I am currently struggling with is to plot information from two data frames into the same chart where one or two axes are shared.
I tried things like :
plot1 = alt.Chart(df1).mark_point().encode(x = 'time:T', y = [...])[...]
plot2 = alt.Chart(df2).mark_point().encode(x = 'time:T', y = [...])[...]
and that works, but it is quite clunky and not great.
I came across the LayerChart object, but from the documentation it was not quite clear to me how to use it properly to plot multiple data sets.
Make DRYer code by separating the chart logic in a function, then iterate.
import pandas as pd
import altair as alt
df0 = pd.DataFrame(dict(times=[1, 2, 3], values=[2, 2, 7]))
df1 = pd.DataFrame(dict(times=[2, 3, 5], values=[3, 9, 8]))
df2 = pd.DataFrame(dict(times=[3, 6, 8], values=[2, 6, 7]))
df3 = pd.DataFrame(dict(times=[6, 7, 9], values=[3, 2, 5]))
def base_chart(df):
"""Return an Altair chart."""
# Add lengthy chart arguments here
base = alt.Chart(
return base
def layer_charts(dfs, chart_func):
"""Return a layered chart."""
return alt.layer(*[chart_func(df) for df in dfs])
layer_charts([df0, df1, df2, df3], base_chart)