I have an invalid JSON coming from external API:
status: 'ok',
pills: [{
id: 1,
name: "Мезим форте",
img: "https://cloud.fdoctor.ru/test_task/static/mezim.jpg",
desription: "Перед завтраком",
dose: "По таблетке"
id: 2,
name: "Bioderma",
img: "https://cloud.fdoctor.ru/test_task/static/bioderma.jpg",
desription: "Во время еды"
dose: "По 3 глотка"
id: 3,
name: "Гексорал, Аэрозоль"
img: "https://cloud.fdoctor.ru/test_task/static/gecsoral.jpg",
desription: "При острых болях"
dose: "По 3 пшика"
id: 4,
name: "Тантум Верде, спрей"
img: "https://cloud.fdoctor.ru/test_task/static/tantum.jpg",
desription: "Каждые 4 часа в течении 7 дней"
dose: "По таблетке"
Is there a way to parse it with codable protocol?
Fixing it on API is not an option.
You can use the following reg ex replacements to clean the string and make it json compliant
//Surround keys with quotes
let firstStep = input.replacingOccurrences(of: #"\s(\w+):{1}"#,
with: #""$1":"#,
options: .regularExpression)
//Fix status value
let json = firstStep.replacingOccurrences(of: "'", with: "\"")