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TWA Browser URL Not hiding

I am building up a TWA, i followed all tutorials online BUT cannot hide the upper url bar of chrome :( the asset link file is here

I verificated the file with this tool

App is located here

and this is the twa manifest

def twaManifest = [
            applicationId: 'it.thept',
        hostName: '', // The domain being opened in the TWA.
        launchUrl: '/app', // The start path for the TWA. Must be relative to the domain.
        name: 'ThePT', // The name shown on the Android Launcher.
        themeColor: '#FF6628', // The color used for the status bar.
        navigationColor: '#ffffff', // The color used for the navigation bar.
        backgroundColor: '#FF6628', // The color used for the splash screen background.
        enableNotifications: false, // Set to true to enable notification delegation.
    // Add shortcuts for your app here. Every shortcut must include the following fields:
    // - name: String that will show up in the shortcut.
    // - short_name: Shorter string used if |name| is too long.
    // - url: Absolute path of the URL to launch the app with (e.g '/create').
    // - icon: Name of the resource in the drawable folder to use as an icon.
    shortcuts: [
        // Insert shortcuts here, for example:
    // The duration of fade out animation in milliseconds to be played when removing splash screen.
    splashScreenFadeOutDuration: 300

The error is

W chromium: [] Statement failure matching package.

But the package name is according to Asset Links Tool

May you help me?


  • Found the solution, in build.gradle REMOVE

    //applicationIdSuffix = twaManifest.applicationId

    buildTypes {
            release {
                minifyEnabled true
                //applicationIdSuffix = twaManifest.applicationId <------ this one
                versionNameSuffix =