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OL6, dynamic color/opacity/transparancy depending on number (percentage) in feature

I'm inspired by this section: especially the 'dynamic styling'. Is there an easy way to include dynamic styling in my map?

I'm thinking about changing the opacity of a polygon based on the number in the feature. In my geojson file I've a feature with percentages (VVD_perc)

I think I have to change something in my styling-section around this line: color: 'rgba(100, 100, 100, 0.25)', but I'm not sure what to change, and where.

I'm thinking of the higher the percentages, the polygon gets less transparent. so the opacity gets from:

color: 'rgba(100, 100, 100, 0.01)'by 1 percent to color: 'rgba(100, 100, 100, 1)' by 100%.

The styling section in the java-script part looks like this:

var partijStyle = new{
  fill: new{
    color: 'rgba(100, 100, 100, 0.25)',
  stroke: new{
    color: '#319FD3',
    width: 2
  text: new{
    font: '10px Calibri,sans-serif',
    fill: new{
    color: '#000'
    stroke: new{
      color: '#fff',
      width: 3

this is the section where I call for the feature with the percentages. Maybe that is usefull too?

var vvdLayer = new ol.layer.Vector({
  source: geojsonSource,
  //style: partijStyle
  style: function(feature) {
    return  partijStyle;

I hope one of you can put me in the right direction. If there is a book or website with an example about this, I'm already happy.

Thank you Mike for another big help I made some other changes too. I hope it helps others. It appears one cannot make calculations in the setColor() part. For that you need to make a var as in variabele first. You can call for that variable between the ().

Below you see a couple of examples. Note I changes the name of the style from partijStyle to vvdStyle. vvd_cstands for vvd_color.

    //var vvd_c = 'rgba(255, 50, 0, ' + (feature.get('VVD_perc')/100) + ')';
    //var vvd_c = 'rgba(255,'+ (1000/4) +', 0, ' + (feature.get('VVD_perc')/100) + ')';
    //var vvd_c = 'rgba(255,'+ (255-(feature.get('VVD_perc')))  +', 0, ' + (feature.get('VVD_perc')/100) + ')';
    var vvd_c  = 'rgba('+ (feature.get('VVD_perc')+150) +','+ (255-(feature.get('VVD_perc')))  +', 0, ' + (feature.get('VVD_perc')/100) + ')';


  • You can dynamically set some other properties of the style in the same way as you set the text

    var vvdLayer = new ol.layer.Vector({
      source: geojsonSource,
      style: function(feature) {
        var perc = feature.get('VVD_perc');
        var color = rgba(100, 100, 100, ' + (perc/100) + ')';
        return  partijStyle;