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Is there an real advantage on using the correct HTTP methods?

Most people use GET and POST for all of their requisitions, are there any major problems that should be considered a real reason to respect the correct semanthics?

What are the disadvantages on the lack of using "HEAD","PUT","DELETE","TRACE",etc.?


  • The semantics of every HTTP verb is known by clients (like browsers) and intermediate equipments as well. They treat requests accordingly (in terms of logging, caching, replaying, etc...)

    Some examples:

    • A GET/HEAD request is considered "safe" and can be replayed a number of times without breaking anything. On the other hand, a POST request is not considered "safe" because it implies a remote state modification. That's why when you navigate by posting a form, and you click the "back" button of your browser, your browser asks if you want to POST the form again
    • A GET request should be used to retrieve a remote resource. That's why the resource can be cached in intermediate HTTP-aware equipments in order to reduce the number of requests on the backend systems. The response of a GET request is considered cacheable (it's implemented in Service Workers, web servers, HTTP proxies, etc...).
    • If you use a GET request in place of a POST, that means you're sending the payload in the URL and that means potential sensitive data logged by the backend, and all of the intermediate equipments (an URL is considered as a loggable non sensitive information)
    • About PUT, PATCH, DELETE, there is no major concern about using a POST instead of one of these, they're here to help you build self-documented RESTful APIs, define fine-grained authorizations on the endpoints and are pretty similar to POST when we forget the semantics (non cacheable, non replayable, hold the data in the body, if concerned)