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Jest: Cannot read property then of undefined

I have situation in my unit test case for a react application, where in a function calls for another function received in props from parent component. The parent component functions definition is something like this:

onSavePropClick(action) { 
    const save = this.saveProperty(action);
    if(action === SAVE){
        return () => new Promise(() => {
return save;

This function call has been passed as props to the child component as

<MyComponent finalSave={this.onSavePropClick(SAVE)} onClose={()=>this.setState({closeWindow: true})} />

MyComponent has a function:

savingAndShowResults() {
const { finalSave, onClose } = this.props;
finalSave().then(() => {
return true;

Now when I have a test for the executed, it throws me error as “Cannot read property then of undefined”, the test is as follows

const initialProps={
finalSave: jest.fn(),
onClose: jest.fn()

it(‘should handle saving and show results’, () => {
const component = shallow(
<MyComponent {...initialProps} />

I am not able to figure out why even on resolving in return in promise of Parent component’s function, gives me this error.


  • Assuming initialProps.finalSave is a mock function, you need to make sure you're returning a promise from initialProps.finalSave:

    const initialProps = {
      finalSave: jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve());