I found several tutorials about visualization of point cloud from RGB-D image in Open3D. But I only got the result in gray-scale mode. Here is my example code:
import open3d as o3d # installed by running: <pip install open3d-python>
def img_to_pointcloud(img, depth, K, Rt):
rgb = o3d.geometry.Image(img)
depth = o3d.geometry.Image(depth)
rgbd = o3d.geometry.create_rgbd_image_from_color_and_depth(rgb, depth, depth_scale=1.0, depth_trunc=50.0)
fx, fy, cx, cy = K[0, 0], K[1, 1], K[0, 2], K[1, 2]
intrinsic = o3d.camera.PinholeCameraIntrinsic(int(cx*2), int(cy*2), fx, fy, cx, cy)
pc = o3d.create_point_cloud_from_rgbd_image(rgbd, intrinsic, Rt)
The example of result can be found at http://www.open3d.org/docs/release/getting_started.html#running-open3d-tutorials. Does Open3D support visualize point cloud in RGB mode. If it doesn't, what the library would you recommend in Python?
Does Open3D support visualize point cloud in RGB mode?
Yes, it does.
has an optional parameter convert_rgb_to_intensity
which is set to be true by default.
To visualize in RGB mode, just change your fifth line to
rgbd = o3d.geometry.create_rgbd_image_from_color_and_depth(rgb, depth, depth_scale=1.0, depth_trunc=50.0, convert_rgb_to_intensity=False)