I installed Pyton 3.6.8 on my system.
python3 --version //-> Python 3.6.8
python3.6 --version //-> Python 3.6.8
My pre-commit-config.yaml is:
- repo: https://github.com/pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks
rev: v2.4.0
- repo: https://gitlab.com/pycqa/flake8
rev: 3.7.9
- id: flake8
language_version: python3.6
I installed the pre-commit hook for my project. Every time when I want to commit some changes to git, the pre-commit is running with the flake8 error:
TYP005 NamedTuple does not support defaults in 3.6.0
This is true for Python 3.6.0, because this feature is introduced and allowed with Python 3.6.1+. https://docs.python.org/3.6/library/typing.html#typing.NamedTuple
How can I configure flake8 to run with Python 3.6.8?
EDIT When I run flake8 file.rb, I don`t get the error message TYP005.
python3 -m pip install flake
flake --version //-> 3.7.9 (the same version as in the pre-commit script file)
disclaimer: I'm the author of two of the tools in question (pre-commit, flake8-typing-imports) and the maintainer of the other (flake8)
the TYP005 code comes from flake8-typing-imports
there are two options for indicating your minimum supported version to flake8-typing-imports
, the first is a command line argument / flake8 setting:
--min-python-version 3.6.1
or in your flake8 configuration
min_python_version = 3.6.1
if you're distributing a library, you can indicate the minimum supported version using the python_requires
metadata -- this is specified in setup.cfg
python_requires >= 3.6.1
an aside, I believe there's some information missing from your question, without additional_dependencies
in your pre-commit configuration, flake8
will be installed in isolation and won't have access to plugins such as flake8-typing-imports
-- my guess is you've actually got a configuration similar to:
- repo: https://gitlab.com/pycqa/flake8
rev: 3.7.9
- id: flake8
additional_dependencies: [flake8-typing-imports==1.9.0]
when speaking of command line arguments above, you could specify them as args
here (though I personally prefer the configuration file approaches)
- id: flake8
args: [--min-python-version, '3.6.1']
additional_dependencies: [flake8-typing-imports==1.9.0]