I have a project that is a single main app in app designer that i am using as a shell to call 3 matlab scripts and 7 app designer apps. I want to determine Toolbox dependency on the entire project, however the MATLAB documentation shows how to run dependency analysis on simulink models. I have used dependencies.toolboxDependencyAnalysis function on my matlab script files and app files but it only returns {'MATLAB'} . So is there a way to run toolbox dependency analysis in matlab for app designer ?
You can use the MATLAB function matlab.codetools.requiredFilesAndProducts to show all of the function dependencies and required toolboxes. For example, if you have two functions in separate files:
function a = testdep1(b)
fprintf(1,'function testdep1\n');
a(1) = b*2;
a(2) = testdep2(a(1));
function c = testdep2(d)
fprintf(1,'function testdep2\n');
c = d/3;
then you can use:
[fList, pList] = matlab.codetools.requiredFilesAndProducts('testdep1')
to see the list of "program files" required (note this does not include sub-functions in the same file) and the toolboxes required.
fList =
1×2 cell array
{'/TEST/testdep1.m'} {'/TEST/testdep2.m'}
pList =
struct with fields:
Name: 'MATLAB'
Version: '9.5'
ProductNumber: 1
Certain: 1