I have previously been pointed to OnmiAuth Dynamic Providers in order to switch provider on runtime, based on the visited domain. My solution is based on omniauth-shopify-oauth2 and this great answer:
Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
provider :shopify,
scope: 'read_orders,read_products',
setup: lambda { |env|
request = ActionDispatch::Request.new(env)
subdomain = "#{request.subdomain}" != "" ? "#{request.subdomain}." : ""
domain = "#{request.domain}"
full_domain = subdomain+domain
shopify_client = Rails.cache.fetch("#{full_domain}_shopify_client")
client_id: shopify_client[:client_id],
client_secret: shopify_client[:client_secret]
env['omniauth.strategy'].options[:client_options][:site] = "https://#{request.GET['shop']}"
But now I also need to be able to set the scope dynamically. So "#{full_domain}_shopify_client"
from the cache will contain an additional client_permissions
key containing e.g. 'read_orders,read_products'
or 'read_products'
How do I refactor my code to be able to do this?
Here's a link which might help: https://github.com/Shopify/omniauth-shopify-oauth2/issues/60
I re-wrote your script in a way which seems to implement what you want. Add the 'scope' dynamically from the :client_permissions key
Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
provider :shopify,
setup: lambda { |env|
request = ActionDispatch::Request.new(env)
subdomain = request.subdomain
domain = request.domain
full_domain = subdomain+domain
shopify_client = Rails.cache.fetch("#{full_domain}_shopify_client")
client_id: shopify_client[:client_id],
client_secret: shopify_client[:client_secret],
scope: shopify_client[:client_permissions]
client_options: {
site: "https://#{request.GET['shop']}"
If there's an Scope does not match, it may have been tampered with.
error, you might have to setup the Rails.cache.fetch("#{full_domain}_shopify_client")[:client_permissions]
in the session as well (session['shopify.oauth.scope']
strategy = env['omniauth.strategy']
session = strategy.session.with_indifferent_access
env['omniauth.strategy'].options[:scope] = session['shopify.oauth.scope']
Inside your setup lambda.
Then, before redirecting to the oauth callback (from a controller, for example)
subdomain = request.subdomain
domain = request.domain
full_domain = subdomain+domain
shopify_client = Rails.cache.fetch("#{full_domain}_shopify_client")
session['shopify.oauth.scope'] = shopify_client[:client_permissions]