I have a table like this:
create table t (
t0 datetime year to fraction,
t1 datetime year to fraction(1),
t2 datetime year to fraction(2),
t3 datetime year to fraction(3),
t4 datetime year to fraction(4)
Now I'd like to reverse engineer this table's data type information. I'm mostly interested in the fractional seconds part, but if I can find the other qualifier information, even better. The following query doesn't work:
c.colname::varchar(10) colname,
informix.schema_coltypename(c.coltype, c.extended_id)::varchar(10) coltypename,
informix.schema_precision(c.coltype, c.extended_id, c.collength) precision,
informix.schema_numscale(c.coltype, c.collength) numscale,
informix.schema_datetype(c.coltype, c.collength) datetype,
from syscolumns c
join systables t on c.tabid = t.tabid
where t.tabname = 't'
It yields
|colname |coltypename|collength|precision |numscale |datetype |coltype|
|t0 |DATETIME |4365 |4365 | |60 |10 |
|t1 |DATETIME |3851 |3851 | |60 |10 |
|t2 |DATETIME |4108 |4108 | |60 |10 |
|t3 |DATETIME |4365 |4365 | |60 |10 |
|t4 |DATETIME |4622 |4622 | |60 |10 |
The collength seems to contain the relevant information, but I cannot extract it with schema_precision
or schema_numscale
as is otherwise possible for numeric precisions. Also, schema_datetype
yields no interesting results.
How can I reverse engineer the coltype
information back to datetime year to fraction(N)
Based on documentation Time data types:
For columns of type DATETIME or INTERVAL, collength is determined using the following formula:
(length * 256) + (first_qualifier * 16) + last_qualifier
The length is the physical length of the DATETIME or INTERVAL field, and first_qualifier and last_qualifier have values that the following table shows.
+------------------+--------+------------------+-------+ | Field qualifier | Value | Field qualifier | Value | +------------------+--------+------------------+-------+ | YEAR | 0 | FRACTION(1) | 11 | | MONTH | 2 | FRACTION(2) | 12 | | DAY | 4 | FRACTION(3) | 13 | | HOUR | 6 | FRACTION(4) | 14 | | MINUTE | 8 | FRACTION(5) | 15 | | SECOND | 10 | | | +------------------+--------+------------------+-------+
Calculation(hex value to easier spot the pattern):
t1 datetime year to fraction(1), 15*256 + 0*16+11 = 3851 0x0F0B
t2 datetime year to fraction(2), 16*256 + 0*16+12 = 4108 0x100C
t3 datetime year to fraction(3), 17*256 + 0*16+13 = 4365 0x110D
t4 datetime year to fraction(4), 18*256 + 0*16+14 = 4622 0x120E
If the length is known then it is possible to reverse engineer it even using "brute force".
WITH l(v) AS (
VALUES (12),(13),(14),(15),(16),(17),(18)
), first_q(v, first_qualifier) AS (
VALUES (0,'YEAR'),(2,'MONTH'),(4,'DAY'),(6,'HOUR'),(8,'MINUTE'),(10, 'SECOND')
), last_q(v, last_qualifier) AS (
VALUES (11, 'FRACTION(0)'),(12, 'FRACTION(1)'),(13, 'FRACTION(2)'),
(14, 'FRACTION(3)'),(15, 'FRACTION(4)')
), result AS (
SELECT l.v * 256 + (first_q.v * 256) + last_q.v AS collen, *
FROM result
--WHERE collen = 3851