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Dataset: How to capture the primary key value returned by SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()?

I'm using a dataset. I have a table Adapter called PackageTableAdapter, which contains a method called InsertPackage.

INSERT INTO [dbo].[Packages] ([UserID], [Name]) VALUES (@UserID, @Name)

//Return the PackageID value for the newly created record...

This table adapter is being used by a middle tier class, with the below code:

private PackagesTableAdapter _packagesTableAdapter = null;
protected PackagesTableAdapter Adapter
        if (_packagesTableAdapter == null)
            _packagesTableAdapter = new PackagesTableAdapter();

        return _packagesTableAdapter;

public bool AddPackage(string PackageName)
    // Create a new PackageRow instance
    Album.PackagesDataTable packages = new AlbumCongo.PackagesDataTable();
    Album.PackagesRow package = packages.NewPackagesRow();

    // Add the new package
    package.Name = PackageName;
    int rowsAffected = Adapter.Update(packages);       

    // Return true if precisely one row was inserted,
    // otherwise false
    return rowsAffected == 1;        

How do I capture the primary key of the newly created package (the one that's supposed to returned by the SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() statement)?


Instead of returning a bool value, I'd like to return a custom object that contains both the bool value and an int representing the ID of the newly created row.

Thanks for helping.


  • First of all you have to make the return type of the insert method to Scaler. You can also do so by right clicking the properties of your insert Method properties.

    Secondly you can get the ID by calling the Adapter method like this:

    Int32 ID = Convert.ToInt32(Adapter.Insert(parameters...);