I've install git python, details:
Python 3.8.1
git version 2.21.1 (Apple Git-122.3)
OS is Catalina
virtual environment via pyenv, pyenv-virtualenv, pyenv-virtualenvwrapper
git is located in /usr/bin/git
running this code:
from git import cmd
import sys
g = cmd.Git()
g.execute('git') # prints the git help page.
g.execute('git log') # Throws an error.
g_ = cmd.Git('..')
g_.execute('git'). # prints the git help page.
g_.execute('git log'). # Throws an error.
Error is:
GitCommandNotFound: Cmd('git') not found due to: FileNotFoundError('[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'git log'')
cmdline: git log
This is actually an error from a third party library. I've replicated the error from that code with simpler code. original code calls git remote show origin
which also has a similar error.
receives a list of command line arguments, not a single string:
g.execute(['git', 'log']) # Correct!
g.execute('git log') # Wrong!
g.execute('git') # Correct because only a single argument