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TypeORM get one side of a many to many relationship

I have got two entities: User and Organisation. These entities have a Many-to-Many relationship with each other. (A user can belong to multiple organisations and an organisation has multiple users.)

I have an endpoint /organisation/:id/members this endpoint should return only the users belonging to the organisation of :id.

I have created a query as follows:

    const members = await getConnection()
      .createQueryBuilder(Organisation, 'org')
      .where(' = :orgId', { orgId })
      .innerJoinAndSelect('org.members', 'member')

This returns an empty array, except when getRawMany is used. Then it returns the following:

    "member_id": 1,
    "member_email": "[email protected]",
    "member_firstName": "John",
    "member_middleName": "",
    "member_lastName": "Doe"

I would like to know how I get getMany() to return User entities.

Update: I have the following example which does work. However, it requires the user to give the joinTable a name.

await getConnection()
      .createQueryBuilder(User, 'user')
        'member.userId =',
      .where('member.organisationId = :orgId', { orgId })


  • NEW ANSWER: My entities were setup incorrectly. I specified my ManyToMany relationship like this (incorrect!):

    @ManyToMany(type => User)
    members: User[];

    Because this is a bi-directionaly relationship, I must specify on what field the user has the relationship towards the organisations:

      type => User,
      user => user.organisations,
      members: User[];

    And my User entity has:

      type => Organisation,
      org => org.members,
    organisations: Organisation[];

    Use the TypeORM Query Relation Builder to get all members.

    Updated once again:

    return getConnection()
          .relation(Organisation, 'members')