with builder plugin, I try to validate my form fields. I used filterFields() to check fields on the fly. Now I want to make some date validation before DB save. I used the following code to clear a field like in filterFields().
// Called before the model is validated (bouton SAVE)
public function beforeValidate() {
if ($this->date_begin > $this->date_end) {
$this->attributes['date_end'] = null; // clear date
my problem is that I would like to refresh the form field or the complete form to reflect the modifications. Would somebody put me on the way to do it ? Thanks
in your controller:
public function formAfterSave($model)
return $this->formRenderFieldResult['#Form-field-Controller-date_end-group'] = $this->formRenderField('date_end', ['useContainer' => false]);
Where '#Form-field-Controller-date_end-group' is the field group name in your form, inspect element.