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Using Report Parameters in Header

I've read other posts that recommend using parameters when displaying dynamic data in the header because it renders correctly in pdf. I am trying to implement that solution but have run into an issue. It works when data is returned for a parameter, but it throws an error if data is not returned. Here is my setup:

  • Hidden
  • Allow null value
  • Allow blank value
  • Available values: From query
  • Default values: From query

The textbox in my header has the following value:

=IIf(IsNothing(Parameters![Report Parameter Name].Value), "", Parameters![Report Parameter Name].Value)

When a row is not returned for the default value, it displays the error:

The '[Report Parameter Name]' parameter is missing a value.

I'm new to reporting services so I may be missing some large concept. To me, no data returned fits the Allow null value criteria.


  • The problem with using IIF in cases with IsNothing and also in similar divide by zero cases is that it is not a language construct, it is actually a function. Therefore, the parameters are evaluated before calling the function, which means that the expression that you think shouldn't be evaluated IS actually evaluated before the function call.

    I know it seems crazy that both the true and false parts of an IF expression are calculated but think of it as a function call and not a language feature. There is no path short circuiting like in a language, the error is in the calculation of ALL the parameters prior to calling the function.

    You can replace this with a custom code function to do the same effect that you are after. So something along the following lines:

    Right-click the body of the report and choose Properties. Click the Code tab and enter the following code:

    Public Function GetParamVal(ByVal ParamVal) As String
        If IsNothing(ParamVal) Then
            Return ""
            Return ParamVal
        End If
    End Function

    Then call it in your header like so:


    (I'm not in front of a system to test this on but you should get the idea)