Search code examples

Powershell contains - match on partial string and list?

I have this situation in my script:

$Excludes = "Commvault","Veeam"

$testuser = 'DOMAIN\vCommvaultConnect'
$Excludes | ForEach-Object {
    If ($testuser.Contains($_)) {
    Write-Host "Found"

Is this the most efficient way to test for this or is there a faster way to match a user to each of those excluded words?


  • How about this, using Regex search groups

    $Excludes = "Commvault","Veeam"
    $SearchRegex_Excludes = ($Excludes | % { "(" + ($_) + ")" }) -join "|"
    # sample regex pattern result - (Commvault)|(Veeam)
    $testuser = "DOMAIN\vCommvaultConnect"
    if ( $testuser -match $SearchRegex_Excludes ) { "Found" } else { "Not Found " }