I am working on updating from an older version of Jboss to Wildfly.
As in my poms I declared Resteasy provided
, I was wondering how I can get to know which version is provided by the container, in order to update my declared version too.
By doing some search, I found that this should help: https://github.com/wildfly/boms/tree/18.0.1.Final. Unfortunately, by checking out the bom, I am still not able to understand which version of RESTeasy is being used.
How can I do that?
I did this last on a wildfly 10.1 so maybe this is a bit outdated, but there you will find the used version in the modules directory of wildfly under
There is a path to most libraries that are supplied by wildfly so you can just look them up there.
Resteasy is hidden under
You have to look into one of the library subdirs (like e.g. "resteasy-jaxrs"), where you will find a main sub dir with the actual library:
In this directory you will find the actual libraries (including versions) and a file called modules.xml that describes them.
Version of resteasy on wildlfy 10.1 was "3.0.19.Final".
EDIT: I just verified that on wildfly 18.0.1 it is all the same! Resteasy version there is 3.9.1.Final.