i have a form with multiple fields and a submit button. once i click the submit button it will come to this filterProperties
function. i have a if condition inside that filterProperties
function. so in that if condition i am checking whether the check-out date is null. if the if-condition is true i want to add has-error class to the datepicker. if anyone knows how to do this please help.
filterProperties = () => {
let checkin = this.state.checkin;
let checkout = this.state.checkout;
let guestCount = this.state.guest_count;
let cityID = this.state.selectedcityID;
let budget = parseFloat(this.state.textthree).toFixed(2);
if (checkin !== "" && checkout === '') {
alert('plz enter the check out date');
const cityProperties = {
checkin: checkin,
checkout: checkout,
guestCount: guestCount,
cityID: cityID,
budget: budget
<FormItem style={{ marginBottom: '0' }} label="Check Out">
{getFieldDecorator('check_out', {
rules: [
required: true,
message: 'Please select a Check Out Date',
}, {
validator: this.checkCheckoutDates,
disabled={(this.state.checkin === '')}
onChange={(e) => this.dateSelected(e, 'checkout')}
defaultValue={moment(new Date((new Date()).valueOf() + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24))}
Try this-
className={(this.state.checkin !== "" && this.state.checkout === "")? "class-name": ""}
disabled={(this.state.checkin === '')}
onChange={(e) => this.dateSelected(e, 'checkout')}
defaultValue={moment(new Date((new Date()).valueOf() + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24))}