var minimist = require("minimist")
const a = minimist(`executable --param "a b"`.split(' '))
actual output:
Object {_: ["executable", "b\""], param: "\"a"}
expected output:
Object {_: ["executable"], param: "a b"}
I'm also seeing same result when using yargs
and commander
It's strange because jest
is using yargs
and jest accept the following command: jest -t "test name with spaces"
Based on your example code, the problem is your preparation of the string array which has broken up the string-with-spaces before the parser gets to see it:
$ node -e 'console.log(`executable --param "a b"`.split(" "))'
[ 'executable', '--param', '"a', 'b"' ]
A simple fix when manually setting up the arguments is to construct the array of parameters yourself, instead of using a string and split
, like:
$ node -e 'console.log(["executable", "--param", "a b"])'
[ 'executable', '--param', 'a b' ]
const a = minimist(['executable', '--param', 'a b'])
If what you need to do is break up a single string into arguments like the shell does, that is not done by Commander, or minimist.
You could look at which has a parse command.
Yargs does have a mode where it does the splitting, if you pass in a single string rather than an array of strings.
const yargs = require('yargs/yargs');
const argv = yargs('executable --param "a b"').parse();
% node index.js
{ _: [ 'executable' ], param: 'a b', '$0': 'index.js' }