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Google App Script - Json response parsing

I'm using google app script to parse this json response.

enter image description here


On sheets I get only the values of the first metric not the second one

enter image description here

But I want the values of the second metric as well.

This is what i'm tryng to achieve

enter image description here

Any help?



  • How about this sample script?

    Sample script:

    var json = {locationMetrics:[{metricValues:[{metric:"ACTIONS_DRIVING_DIRECTIONS", dimensionalValues:[{timeDimension:{timeRange:{startTime:"2020-02-01T00:00:00Z"}}, value:3, metricOption:"AGGREGATED_DAILY"}, {value:0, metricOption:"AGGREGATED_DAILY", timeDimension:{timeRange:{startTime:"2020-02-02T00:00:00Z"}}}]}, {metric:"ACTIONS_PHONE", dimensionalValues:[{metricOption:"AGGREGATED_DAILY", timeDimension:{timeRange:{startTime:"2020-02-01T00:00:00Z"}}, value:0}, {timeDimension:{timeRange:{startTime:"2020-02-02T00:00:00Z"}}, value:0, metricOption:"AGGREGATED_DAILY"}]}], timeZone:"Europe/London", locationName:"accounts/xxx/locations/xxx"}]};
    // Create an array from "json".
    var locationMetrics = json.locationMetrics;
    var rows = locationMetrics.reduce(function(ar1, obj1) {
      return ar1.concat(obj1.metricValues.reduce(function(ar2, obj2) {
        return ar2.concat( {return [obj2.metric, obj3.metricOption, obj3.timeDimension.timeRange.startTime, obj3.value]}));
      }, []));
    }, []);
    // Put values to Spreadsheet.
    var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName('sheet1')
    dataRange = sheet.getRange(2, 1, rows.length, 4); 
    • json is from your question.




    • In this case, the script can work with and without V8.
    • In this sample script, your sample value is used. So it supposes that all keys of "metric", "metricOption", "startTime", "value" are existing. So please be careful about this.
