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Boost Spirit Qi: binding to struct with vector of tuples

Boost Spirit Qi parsing certainly is a unique application of C++, one that comes with a steep learning curve. In this case I am attempting to parse a string containing syntactically correct C++ list-initialization of a struct containing a std::vector of std::tuple<std::string, short>. Here is the declaration of the struct:

typedef std::vector<std::tuple<std::string, int>> label_t;

struct BulkDataParmas
    std::string strUUID;
    short subcam;
    long long pts_beg;
    long long pts_len;
    long long pts_gap;
    label_t labels;

And here is my failing attempt to bind such a structure to a Qi attribute. The commented out start works as expected if I also comment out the vector member of the struct. (I've also tried std::pair instead of std::tuple).

    (std::string, strUUID)
    (short, subcam)
    (long long, pts_beg)
    (long long, pts_len)
    (long long, pts_gap)
    (label_t, labels)

template <typename Iterator>
struct load_parser : boost::spirit::qi::grammar<Iterator, BulkDataParmas(), boost::spirit::ascii::space_type>
    load_parser() : load_parser::base_type(start)
        namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
        namespace ascii = boost::spirit::ascii;
        using qi::attr;
        using qi::short_;
        using qi::int_;
        using qi::long_long;
        using qi::lit;
        using qi::xdigit;
        using qi::lexeme;
        using ascii::char_;
        using boost::proto::deep_copy;

        auto hex2_ = deep_copy(xdigit >> xdigit >> xdigit >> xdigit);
        auto hex4_ = deep_copy(hex2_ >> hex2_);
        auto hex6_ = deep_copy(hex4_ >> hex2_);
        auto fmt_  = deep_copy('"' >> hex4_ >> char_('-') >> hex2_ >> char_('-') >> hex2_ >> char_('-') >> hex2_ >> char_('-') >> hex6_ >> '"');
        uuid = qi::as_string[fmt_];

        quoted_string %= lexeme['"' >> +(char_ - '"') >> '"'];

        label = '{' >> quoted_string >> ',' >> int_ >> '}';

        start = '{' >>  uuid >> ',' >> short_ >> ',' >> long_long >> ',' >> long_long >> ',' >> long_long >> ',' >> '{' >> -(label >> *(',' >> label)) >>'}' >> '}';
//        start = '{' >>  uuid >> ',' >> short_ >> ',' >> long_long >> ',' >> long_long >> ',' >> long_long >> '}';


    boost::spirit::qi::rule<Iterator, std::string()> uuid;
    boost::spirit::qi::rule<Iterator, std::string()> quoted_string;
    boost::spirit::qi::rule<Iterator, std::string(), boost::spirit::ascii::space_type> label;
    boost::spirit::qi::rule<Iterator, BulkDataParmas(), boost::spirit::ascii::space_type> start;

Here is an example string to parse:

"{ \"68965363-2d87-46d4-b05d-f293f2c8403b\", 0, 1583798400000000, 86400000000, 600000000, { { \"motorbike\", 5 }, { \"aeroplane\", 6 } } };"


  • Beyond the two things you mentioned (which are correct), I'd suggest

    1. some simplifications:

      uuid = '"' >> qi::raw [
          hex_<4>{} >> qi::repeat(3)['-' >> hex_<2>{}] >> '-' >> hex_<6>{}
      ] >> '"';

      Note, this removes all the sub-expressions, as-string and deepcopy, instead using the integer parser:

      template<int N> using hex_ = boost::spirit::qi::int_parser<std::intmax_t, 16, 2*N, 2*N>;

      The raw[] parser will nicely expose the source string matched.

    2. Next up,

      quoted_string = '"' >> *~qi::char_('"') >> '"';

      Here I'd suggest using * to accept empty strings (this is frequently "the point" of quoted strings, so we can be explicit about embdedded whitespace or intentionally empty strings). Also, using ~charset to be more efficient.

      Also dropped the lexeme[] because the rule is already declared without a skipper anyways.

    3. Finishing up:

      label = '{' >> quoted_string >> ',' >> qi::int_ >> '}';
      start = qi::skip(ascii::space) [ '{'
          >> uuid      >> ','
          >> qi::auto_ >> ','
          >> qi::auto_ >> ','
          >> qi::auto_ >> ','
          >> qi::auto_ >> ','
          >> '{' >> -(label % ',') >> '}'
          >> '}' >> ';'

      Note that I incorporated the choice of skipper. so you don't have to tediously pass the correct thing in phrase_parse. The skipper is usually not something the caller should be able to change anyways.

    4. Now let's also modernize the adaptation:

      BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(BulkDataParams, strUUID, subcam, pts_beg, pts_len, pts_gap, labels)

      After which you can respell the types in modern fashion without risking any compatibility issues. Note this is also a reason to prefer qi::auto_ in the start rule there, so you don't get painful surprises when e.g. the parser results get implicitly converted to the target type in expected ways.

      struct BulkDataParams {
          std::string strUUID;
          int16_t subcam;
          int64_t pts_beg;
          int64_t pts_len;
          int64_t pts_gap;
          label_t labels;
    5. Now let's throw in debug output and a test body:

      Live On Wandbox

      #define BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG
      #include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
      #include <boost/fusion/adapted/std_tuple.hpp>
      #include <iostream>
      #include <iomanip>
      using label_t = std::vector<std::tuple<std::string, int>>;
      namespace std {
          std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, label_t::value_type const& t) {
              auto const& [k,v] = t;
              return os << "[" << std::quoted(k) << "," << v << "]";
          std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, label_t const& m) {
              os << "{";
              for (auto&& el:m) os << el << ",";
              return os << "}";
      struct BulkDataParams {
          std::string strUUID;
          int16_t subcam;
          int64_t pts_beg;
          int64_t pts_len;
          int64_t pts_gap;
          label_t labels;
      BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(BulkDataParams, strUUID, subcam, pts_beg, pts_len, pts_gap, labels)
      template <typename Iterator> struct load_parser : boost::spirit::qi::grammar<Iterator, BulkDataParams()> {
          load_parser() : load_parser::base_type(start) {
              namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
              namespace ascii = boost::spirit::ascii;
              uuid = '"' >> qi::raw [
                  hex_<4>{} >> qi::repeat(3)['-' >> hex_<2>{}] >> '-' >> hex_<6>{}
              ] >> '"';
              quoted_string = '"' >> *~qi::char_('"') >> '"';
              label = '{' >> quoted_string >> ',' >> qi::int_ >> '}';
              start = qi::skip(ascii::space) [ '{'
                  >> uuid      >> ','
                  >> qi::auto_ >> ','
                  >> qi::auto_ >> ','
                  >> qi::auto_ >> ','
                  >> qi::auto_ >> ','
                  >> '{' >> -(label % ',') >> '}'
                  >> '}' >> ';'
                  (uuid) (quoted_string) (label) (start)
          template<int N> using hex_ = boost::spirit::qi::int_parser<std::intmax_t, 16, 2*N, 2*N>;
          boost::spirit::qi::rule<Iterator, std::string()> uuid;
          boost::spirit::qi::rule<Iterator, std::string()> quoted_string;
          boost::spirit::qi::rule<Iterator, label_t::value_type(), boost::spirit::ascii::space_type> label;
          boost::spirit::qi::rule<Iterator, BulkDataParams()> start;
      int main() {
          for (std::string const input : {
              R"({ "68965363-2d87-46d4-b05d-f293f2c8403b", 0, 1583798400000000, 86400000000, 600000000, { { "motorbike", 5 }, { "aeroplane", 6 } } };)",
              auto f = begin(input), l = end(input);
              BulkDataParams bdp;
              load_parser<std::string::const_iterator> p;
              if (parse(f, l, p, bdp)) {
                  std::cout << "Parsed: " << boost::fusion::as_vector(bdp) << "\n";
              } else {
                  std::cout << "Parse Failed\n";
              if (f != l) {
                  std::cout << "Remaining unparsed: " << std::quoted(std::string(f,l)) << "\n";

      Regular output:

      Parsed: (68965363-2d87-46d4-b05d-f293f2c8403b 0 1583798400000000 86400000000 600000000 {["motorbike",5],["aeroplane",6],})

      Debug output:

        <try>{ "68965363-2d87-46d</try>
          <success>, 0, 158379840000000</success>
          <attributes>[[6, 8, 9, 6, 5, 3, 6, 3, -, 2, d, 8, 7, -, 4, 6, d, 4, -, b, 0, 5, d, -, f, 2, 9, 3, f, 2, c, 8, 4, 0, 3, b]]</attributes>
          <try> { "motorbike", 5 },</try>
            <try>"motorbike", 5 }, { </try>
            <success>, 5 }, { "aeroplane"</success>
            <attributes>[[m, o, t, o, r, b, i, k, e]]</attributes>
          <success>, { "aeroplane", 6 }</success>
          <attributes>[[[m, o, t, o, r, b, i, k, e], 5]]</attributes>
          <try> { "aeroplane", 6 } </try>
            <try>"aeroplane", 6 } } }</try>
            <success>, 6 } } };</success>
            <attributes>[[a, e, r, o, p, l, a, n, e]]</attributes>
          <success> } };</success>
          <attributes>[[[a, e, r, o, p, l, a, n, e], 6]]</attributes>
        <attributes>[[[6, 8, 9, 6, 5, 3, 6, 3, -, 2, d, 8, 7, -, 4, 6, d, 4, -, b, 0, 5, d, -, f, 2, 9, 3, f, 2, c, 8, 4, 0, 3, b], 0, 1583798400000000, 86400000000, 600000000, [[[m, o, t, o, r, b, i, k, e], 5], [[a, e, r, o, p, l, a, n, e], 6]]]]</attributes>