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Calling methods on React-Leaflet components (LayerGroup)

I am trying to call the method toGeoJSON on my React-Leaflet LayerGroup. (Ultimately I am trying to convert the layer group into KML, but I found the answer here, and I am first trying to convert it into geoJSON)

I tried adding a ref to the LayerGroup and then calling toGeoJSON on it, but it fails as that is not a function. When inspecting the ref for the LayerGroup, it doesn't seem to have any of the methods available in the leaflet documentation

Is there a way around this? I have Leaflet and ReactLeaflet libraries imported and in scope of the function, I'm just not sure how to find that function.

Simplified version of my code:

function MyMap(){
  const markerRef = useRef()

  function export(){
    let markers = markerRef.current
    let GeoJSON = markers.toGeoJSON() // < THIS LINE THROWS AN ERROR

  return (
      <button onClick={export}>Export</button>
        <LayerGroup ref={this.markersRef}>{markers}</LayerGroup>

More thorough example:


  • Just needed to access markers.leafletElement.toGeoJSON(). Leaflet methods can be accessed through leafletElement.
