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How to use GraphQL queries with BootstrapVue b-table?

I can use <b-table-simple> with GraphQL queries and it works fine, for example:

        <b-tr role="row" v-for="page in $page.allGoogleSheet.edges" :key="">

But how can i do this with <b-table>?


  • You need to define your fields to pluck from each row of data:

      <b-table :fields="fields" :items="$page.allGoogleSheet.edges">
    export default {
      data() {
        return {
          fields: [
            // Add this entry if you want to see the ID of the entry
            // { key: 'id', label: 'ID' },
            { key: 'node.Name', label: 'Name' },
            { key: 'node.Age', label: 'Age' },
            { key: 'node.Height', label: 'Height' },