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Functions calling before data is loaded in angular

Hi there I am a little new to angular and I am having trouble with loading data. In the snippet of code below I have two services getting called. In each service I output something to the console. After both of the services run I have a piece of code that outputs my order number to the console an additional time. However every time I run this. It blazes thru ngOnInit and puts out the info below in the console. How can i tell the last console output to wait until the first two services are completely done.

  • order undefined
  • array of depots Test Depot Name
  • length of depots 18

    ngOnInit(): void {
    //called first
    this.dataService.sendGetRequest().subscribe((data: any[]) => {
      this.orderInfoList = data;
      console.log("array of depots "+ this.orderInfoList.depots[1].name);
      console.log("length of depots "+ this.orderInfoList.depots.length);
    //called second
    this.dataService.getOrder(+this.orderId).subscribe((data: any[]) => {
      this.order = data;
      console.log("order " + this.order.orderNumber);
    //entered last
    console.log("order " + this.order.orderNumber);



  • The data service functions are asynchronous, so you need to run them asynchronously. Since getOrder doesn't depend on the result of sendGetRequest, you can run them in parallel using forkJoin.

    They will both be executed, and the subscribe will only run once both have completed.

    ngOnInit(): void {
        getRequest: this.dataService.sendGetRequest(),
        order: this.dataService.getOrder(+this.orderId)
      }).subscribe(result => {
        this.orderInfoList = result.getRequest;
        this.order = result.order;
        console.log("array of depots "+ this.orderInfoList.depots[1].name);
        console.log("length of depots "+ this.orderInfoList.depots.length);
        console.log("order " + this.order.orderNumber);

    forkJoin also accepts an array of observables:

    ]).subscribe(result => {
      this.orderInfoList = result[0];
      this.order = result[1];