I am making a text editor it has all the features but not an auto-indent feature which can automatically add spaces after loops or conditions. Please tell me how can I make, and please try to give a code which can do it. I am making this in Tkinter and want this function in the text widget. I had made this text editor.
I made this in Tkinter so please help me to give a code for auto-indent. I had tried for firing events whenever a user presses ':' button to give an indent in the next line but it does not follow the pattern of multilevel indenting. like
for i in range(100):
if i==5:
print('got till '+str(i))
but my code does not follow like this it only adds space in the first line so the code looks like.
for i in range(100):
if i==5:
print('got till '+str(i))
so it is a bit tricky. Please comment for any related info or question but please answer me.
You just need to get the indentation from the current line and add the new level of indentation.
Here's a complete working example:
import tkinter as tk
import re
root = tk.Tk()
text = tk.Text(root)
text.pack(fill="both", expand=True)
def autoindent(event):
# the text widget that received the event
widget = event.widget
# get current line
line = widget.get("insert linestart", "insert lineend")
# compute the indentation of the current line
match = re.match(r'^(\s+)', line)
current_indent = len(match.group(0)) if match else 0
# compute the new indentation
new_indent = current_indent + 4
# insert the character that triggered the event,
# a newline, and then new indentation
widget.insert("insert", event.char + "\n" + " "*new_indent)
# return 'break' to prevent the default behavior
return "break"
text.bind(":", autoindent)