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Passing parameters to corb uri stage using ml-gradle

I'm using ml-gradle with corb2 2.4.5 and Marklogic 9.0.5.

I'm trying to pass a parameter to corb when running the gradle task. I've passed the parameter in at"sf"

In my xquery module, I have

declare variable $id as xs:string external;

The corb process runs, but it doesn't set the id variable. What do I need to change to make this work?


  • All system properties should be set and passed to your CoRB job when executing the ml-gradle CoRB task.

    I suspect that you might be running an old version of ml-gradle, or there may be something else that is off in your job.

    I have verified that I can pass in an external URIS-MODULE variable to this simplified job by executing the following command:

    gradle -DURIS-MODULE="INLINE-XQUERY|declare variable $id external;concat('',string($id)),1,1|ADHOC" -DPROCESS-MODULE="INLINE-XQUERY|declare variable $id external;xdmp:log(concat('process module id=',$id))|ADHOC" corb

    and I see that my application servers error log includes the line:

    2020-03-12 09:23:44.198 Info: process module id=2

    The ml-gradle CoRB task collects all system properties and passes them to CoRB when the task runs:

    Map options = buildCorbOptions()
    //CoRB2 will evaluate System properties for options

    The buildCorbOptions() method

      * Construct CoRB2 options from the following sources:
      * task variables - lowerCamelCase names that correspond to their CoRB2
      *                  option (i.e. optionsFile => OPTIONS-FILE)
      * project properties - Project properties with the naming convention
      *                      of a 'corb' prefix and CamelCased CoRB2 option name
      *                      (i.e. corbOptionsFile => OPTIONS-FILE)
      * System properties - Any System property with a CoRB2 option name
      * If properties are defined in more than one place, System properties will take
      * precedence over Project properties, which take precedence over task member variables.
      * @return Map of CoRB2 options
      public Map buildCorbOptions() {
        //first, convert legacy task properties and generate options from conventions
        Map options = collectNormalizedOptions()
        //collect all of the corb task options (i.e. threadCount=12)
        options << collectMemberVariables()
        //apply any corb project properties (i.e. -PcorbThreadCount=12)
        options << collectCorbProjectProperties()
        //apply any CoRB2 System properties (i.e. -DTHREAD-COUNT=12)
        options << collectSystemProperties()
        options //return the merged options

    invokes the collectSystemProperties() method:

      * Collect all This allows for any CoRB option to be set, including those not statically known such
      * as CoRB custom inputs (e.g.,, etc) as well as settings for other libraries, such
      * as xcc.httpCompliant to enable XCCS compatability for XCC.
      * @return all
      public Map collectSystemProperties() {