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Why does this incorrect JavaScript program produce the correct answer?

I was given the following JavaScript program in an interview.

const average = xs => {
    let sum = 0;
    for (let num in xs) sum += num;
    return sum / xs.length;

const result = average([2, 4, 6]);

console.log(result); // 4

The interviewer told me to explain how this code works. I thought that the average function simply adds all the numbers in the array and divides the sum by the length of the array. However, this wasn't the correct explanation.

There's a bug in the above code. Nevertheless, it produces the correct answer. Can you find the bug and fix it? In addition, can you explain why the above code produces the correct answer even though it is incorrect?


  • The problem is that you're using a loop instead of a for...of loop. A for...of loop would iterate over the array elements, and produce the right answer regardless of input. However, a loop iterates over the array indices. Hence, it would produce the wrong answer in most cases. Nevertheless, for this particular input it produces the right answer.

    |  sum   | num |
    | ------ | --- |
    |  0     | "0" |
    | "00"   | "1" |
    | "001"  | "2" |
    | "0012" |     |

    The indices of the array are "0", "1", and "2". The indices are strings, not numbers. Hence, when you add the index "0" to the initial value of sum, i.e. 0, then JavaScript converts the sum into a string, concatenates the two strings, and stores the concatenated string back into sum. At the end of the loop the value of sum is "0012" instead of the expected value 12.

    However, both "0012" / 3 and 12 / 3 produce the right answer, i.e. 4. In the first case, JavaScript first converts the string "0012" into the number 12. Hence, we accidentally get the correct answer for this particular input.