Embedded Imgur image does not appear. Sometimes, it appears briefly, then disappears.
This page does not contain the image. It only shows a blank.
Looking at the source, it follows the same Imgur code. It also has embed.js at the bottom of the page.
<blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/lKOEEdd" data-context="false"><br>
<a href="https://imgur.com/a/lKOEEdd">View on Imgur</a>
It displays properly when I paste the same HTML on another site, like CodePen.
Because of server side rendering, your blockquote
embed element is processed too early by imgur's scripts. The iframe with its content is then replaced by a blockquote element again when your component is rendered.
You need to call window.imgurEmbed.createIframe()
once your component is rendered client side
What happens is
embed.js run
, and adds a new imgur's script, embed-controler.js
adds an iframe for all elements matching the selector blockquote.imgur-embed-pub
component is rendered, and replaces its content with the blockquote
element. Solution
Call window.imgurEmbed.createIframe()
in your code once the components with imgur embeds have been rendered to force imgur to do the replacement again;
if(isPlatformBrowser(this.platformId))//Call the update client side only
You can verify this by executing window.imgurEmbed.createIframe()
in chrome's dev tools console for the url you posted.