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CxOSA scan saying "0 libraries were analyzed"

I have a bamboo plan with Checkmarx plugin . The CxSAST scan is working fine , scanning the code and giving the scan report, but CxOSA scan is not taking place I guess. The scan for CxOSA says 0 libraries were analyzed though I am using a lot of open source JS libraries like lodash, Jquery , etc. I went through the docs as well , but with little luck. I am pretty new to Checkmarx, any help is appreciated. Here is the CxOSA related config that I am using in my Bamboo file :

.put("cxOsaArchiveIncludePatterns", "*.zip, *.war, *.ear, *.tgz")
.put("osaEnabled", "true")


  • So it seems I have the answer. There are several key value pairs that we need to set as part of checkmarx configuration. Initially, I had deleted some keys whose values were an empty string. And of those key was cxOsaFilterPatterns. When I added this key with an empty string value, Checkmarx started scanning the CxOSA part .

    For reference , you can use this piece of code as configuration .

       ("serverCredentialsSection", "globalConfigurationServer")
       ("projectName", "Your project name")
       ("teamPathName", "Your team name")
       ("teamPathId", "Your team id")
       ("serverUrl", "Checkmarx server URL")
       ("username", "Checkmarx username")
       ("password", "Checkmarx password")
       ("presetName", "Checkmarx Default")
       ("cxSastSection", "customConfigurationCxSAST")
       ("folderExclusions", "node_modules")
       ("filterPatterns","!**/_cvs/**/*, !**/.svn/**/*,   !**/.hg/**/*,   !**/.git/**/*,  !**/.bzr/**/*, !**/bin/**/*,!**/obj/**/*,  !**/backup/**/*, !**/.idea/**/*, !**/*.DS_Store)
       ("isIncremental", "true")
       ("generatePDFReport", "true")
       ("intervalBegins", "01:00")
       ("intervalEnds", "04:00")
       ("osaEnabled", "true")
       ("cxOsaFilterPatterns", "")
       ("cxOsaArchiveIncludePatterns", "*.zip, *.war, *.ear, *.tgz")
       ("scanControlSection", "globalConfigurationControl")
       ("isSynchronous", "true")
       ("presetId", "36")