I have multiple files that I want to open using fopen. The files have a similar pattern, I have tried to use a for loop as follows, but it does not work. Any ideas how to open each file. Thanks in advance.
for ii = 0:12
file = fprintf('population_%d.dat', ii); % -----> File names
generations_fid = fopen(file); % Question ???
matrix = {};
while ~feof(generations_fid)
generations = cell2mat(textscan(generations_fid, repmat('%f', 1, (3))));
if isempty(generations)
matrix{end+1} = generations;
You want to be using sprintf
to dynamically generate the file name, not fprintf
file = sprintf('population_%d.dat', ii);
It's also good practice to open your file with the required permissions. In your case, it looks like you're reading, so you should use
generations_fid = fopen(file, 'r');