I am currently migrating a project to AspNetCore 3.0 and are running into a issue with the GraphQL for .NET ParallelExecutionStrategy when querying for multiple things in one query. The project is using a MSSQL Server as the data store and it is access through Entity Framework Core 3.0. The error I get is:
A second operation started on this context before a previous operation completed. This is usually caused by different threads using the same instance of DbContext.
I can resolve the issue if I implement IDocumentExecuter and change the ParallelExecutionStrategy to await each individual execution, from Task.WhenAll
to await ExecuteNodeAsync
Example query that I'm trying to execute:
query {
thingA {
thingB {
Using DbContextPool doesn't seem to solve the problem either:
services.AddDbContextPool<DBCONTEXT>(options =>
If you are using the built-in dependency injection container, you should consider using an IServiceScopeFactory<T>
. It's essentially the same approach as Ganhammar's "StructureMap" based answer, except it's not a "Service Locator". The (relatively simple) IServiceScopeFactory<T>
code is here and another answer related to this question is here.