I would like to publish an ASP.NET Core 2.1 website to Azure using an Azure Web App to host it. When creating the Azure Web App on the Azure portal, one of the settings is "Runtime Stack". In this case I would set it to ".NET Core 2.1" to match the framework my code is currently using. However once the web app is created, I do not see an option to edit this setting anywhere on the Azure portal, so how would I change it if necessary in the future?
For instance, if I were to later update my application code to use ASP.NET Core 2.2, how would I change the runtime stack of the Azure web app to ".NET Core 2.2"? Is there a setting to edit this in some area of the Azure portal? Or does the Azure web app look at the code (possibly the .csproj file), and automatically update the target framework internally, thus ignoring any settings anyway? Or would I need to delete the web app and create a new one with the correct settings? (If I would need to delete the web app and create a new one, is there some recommended approach to plan for this situation and reduce downtime? Would it be possible to update the staging slot to a newer runtime stack from the production slot, and then do a swap?)
Step 1 - Set the target framework for the project
In the project set the target framework to the one you want. In VS, right click the project name, choose Properties, then specify the target framework.
Or directly edit the .csproj file to specify target framework, using the following syntax
Step 2 - Set the target framework for publishing
When publishing the project, set the target framework there as well. In VS, right click the project name, choose Publish, and in the publish wizard specify the target framework.
This setting will be reflected in the .pubxml file as well (and can be edited there instead if you prefer using the syntax <TargetFramework>netcoreapp3.1</TargetFramework>
Step 3 - Check that the runtime you need is present on Azure
If the runtime version specified in the project and publish settings is present on Azure, then that version will be used automatically. So we need to check if it is present.
Alex described how to do this on Linux hosts in his answer but that does not work on Windows hosts (the 'Major Version' and 'Minor Version' settings are not displayed for Windows hosts on the Azure portal).
The Kudu console on the other hand works for both operating systems. Kudu can be reached at https://<app_name>.scm.azurewebsites.net
. There are a couple of different ways to look up runtime versions Kudu -
Option 1. Click the 'Runtime versions' link in the Rest API section.
It will
display the supported dotnetcore versions (and also nodejs versions,
os version, etc).
Option 2. Click Debug Console -> CMD to launch the kudu
command prompt. Type in dotnet --list-runtimes
(Do not use dotnet --list-sdks
because what is important is the runtime, not the sdk, since the sdk is needed for building an app and most likely you will build the app on your local machine before publishing to Azure).
Step 4 - If the runtime is not present on Azure
This might be the case if the runtime you are using is still in preview. You can either embed your own .net core version with the application or you can use an extension. These are described by Sebastien in his answer.
Step 5 - Publish the app
There is no need to delete the existing web app and create a new one. You can publish to an old app that was previously using a lower target framework.