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Converting tidyeval arguments to string

I have a simple function in R with ... using tidyeval. Is is possible to change these into a string?

simple_paste <- function(...){
  my_vars <- enquos(...)
  paste(..., sep = "_x_")

simple_paste(hello, world)

As an output, I would like to get "hello_x_world". I could also consider using the glue function or str_c instead of paste, although I'm not sure that would be better.


  • Convert the quosure to character and then paste

    simple_paste <- function(...) {
      purrr::map_chr(enquos(...), rlang::as_label) %>% 
    simple_paste(hello, world)
    #[1] "hello_x_world"

    Or another option is to evaluate an expression

    simple_paste <- function(...)  eval(expr(paste(!!! enquos(...), sep="_x_")))[-1]
    simple_paste(hello, world)
    #[1] "hello_x_world"

    if we need .csv at the end

    simple_paste <- function(...)  eval(expr(paste0(paste(!!! enquos(...), sep="_x_"), ".csv")))[-1]
    simple_paste(hello, world)
    #[1] "hello_x_world.csv"