The scalar product of two vectors with size 'N' defined as SP(a, b) = a_1 * b_1 + ... + a_N * b_N.
Compile-time integer vector defined as:
template<int... I>
struct Vector;
Function product interface:
template<typename Vector1, typename Vector2>
constexpr int product
For example, following code could be used for test:
static_assert(product<Vector<1, 2, 5>, Vector<1, 3, 4>> == 27);
How can product be implemented to match the assert and interface above?
Maybe something like this:
template<int ... >
struct Vector{};
template<int ... Idx1, int ... Idx2>
constexpr int product(Vector<Idx1...>, Vector<Idx2...>) {
static_assert(sizeof...(Idx1) == sizeof...(Idx2), "Product cannot be calculated, dims dismatched");
int res = 0;
int temp [] = { (res += (Idx1 * Idx2),0)...};
return res;
int main() {
static_assert(product(Vector<1,2,5>{},Vector<1,3,4>{}) == 27);