Thank you for reading my message, here is my problem :
I'm using a navbar made with Bulma in which I display either login/register buttons or a profile picture icon from FontAwesome using {{#if currentUser}} as shown below ("S'inscrire" and "Se connecter" means register and login in French) :
<div class="navbar-end">
<div class="navbar-item">
<div class="buttons">
{{#if currentUser}}
<!-- Displayed only when the user is logged in-->
<i class="fas fa-user icon is-large" id="userProfile"></i>
<!-- Displayed when the user is NOT logged in-->
<a class="button is-primary register">
<a class="button is-light login">Se connecter</a>
When the user is not logged in it only show the buttons :
And when he logs in I have only the icon :
My problem is that when user logs out, I got both user icon and buttons :
and if I log in and out multiple times I get multiple icons. Looks like it's a problem with FontAwesome icon, I've tried with a normal image instead of the icon and it behaved normally, but I need to use icons inside this type of statement in some place of my app.
Thanks in advance !
This is because font awesome 5 replaces the <i>
tag with an svg
which will break your code reactivity if it's not wrapped inside another flow element. Try wrapping the <i>
with a <span>
in order to keep the reactivity going:
<i class="fas fa-user icon is-large" id="userProfile"></i>
You could also make this a short stateless template:
<template name="icon">
<i class="fas fa-{{name}} {{#if large}}is-large{{/if}}" id="{{id}}"></i>
and call it like
{{>icon name="user" large=true id="userProfile"}}