currently, I'm trying to create a grok pattern for this log
2020-03-11 05:54:26,174 JMXINSTRUMENTS-Threading [{"timestamp":"1583906066","label":"Threading","ObjectName":"java.lang:type\u003dThreading","attributes":[{"name":"CurrentThreadUserTime","value":18600000000},{"name":"ThreadCount","value":152},{"name":"TotalStartedThreadCount","value":1138},{"name":"CurrentThreadCpuTime","value":20804323112},{"name":"PeakThreadCount","value":164},{"name":"DaemonThreadCount","value":136}]}]
At the moment I can match correctly until the JMXINTRUMENTS-Threading by using this pattern:
%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp} (?<instrument>[^\ ]*) ?%{GREEDYDATA:log_message}
But I can not seem to match all the values after this. Has anybody got an idea as to what pattern I should use?
i'm trying your pattern in (which is the official debugger for logstash) and it does match everything after "JMXINTRUMENTS-Threading" with your pattern in a big field called log message, in this way:
"timestamp": [
"2020-03-11 05:54:26,174"
"YEAR": [
"HOUR": [
"instrument": [
"log_message": [
if you wish to match all the field contained in log message you should use a json filter in your logstash pipeline filter section, just right below your grok filter:
For example:
grok {
match => { "message" =>"%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp} (?<instrument>[^\ ]*) ?%{GREEDYDATA:log_message}" }
tag_on_failure => ["no_match"]
if "no_match" not in [tags] {
json {
source => "log_message"
In that way your json will be splitted in key: value and parsed.
You could try to use a kv filter instead of json, here the docs:
grok {
match => { "message" =>"%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp} (?<instrument>[^\ ]*) ?%{GREEDYDATA:log_message}" }
tag_on_failure => ["no_match"]
if "no_match" not in [tags] {
kv {
source => "log_message"
value_split => ":"
include_brackets => true #remove brackets
remove_char_key => "\""
remove_char_value => "\""
field_split => ","