The idea is, I have a textbox in which I type a string, this string will filter the collectionviewsource which is a treeview. Attaching the code below:
The sorting and grouping are working fine.
<TreeView x:Name="SystemsTreeView" ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource SystemCollection}, Path=Groups}">
<CollectionViewSource x:Key="SystemCollection" Source="{Binding SystemsList}" Filter="SystemCollectionChangeFilter" IsLiveFilteringRequested="True" >
<!--Sorting of Systems-->
<scm:SortDescription PropertyName="SystemName"/>
<scm:SortDescription PropertyName="Version" Direction="Descending"/>
<!--Grouping of Systems-->
<PropertyGroupDescription PropertyName="SystemName" />
The SystemCollectionChangeFilter calls the method on the viewmodel to filter.
ICollectionView viewSource = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(SystemsList); //in the constructor
private string _systemNameFilter;
public string SystemNameFilter //Attached to Textbox (for filtering)
get { return _systemNameFilter; }
if (_systemNameFilter != value)
_systemNameFilter = value;
viewSource.Refresh(); //This is not triggering the filtering event.
The viewSource.Refresh() is not triggering the filter event on the collectionviewsource. I have checked that the filtering event is only triggered when the usercontrol is loaded.
Tried so far:
Would be helpful if you can recommend any mvvm based solution for the above problem.
Call Refresh()
on the CollectionViewSource
named "SystemCollection" in the view or implement an ICollectionView
, or any other type of source collection, in the view model and refresh it from there.
Adding LiveFilteringProperties
should also work provided that the generated CollectionView
implements the ICollectionViewLiveShaping