Good Morning all, SOLVED Both responses worked hand in hand. Big Thanks to Scepticalist and Wasif Hasan for the examples!!
I have a logging function that has a message parameter. Through the function it writes the message with a text color of green. Is there a way to change that color for certain messages for the log? Below is the function.
Function Get-Logger {
$TimeStamp = Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyy hh:mm:ss"
Write-Host $TimeStamp -NoNewline
Write-Host `t $message -ForegroundColor Green
$logMessage = "[$TimeStamp] $message"
$logMessage | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $VerboseLogFile
For example as the log function is called it echo's back the message as green text, which is fine. But if I wanted to use the logging function to change the text of section headers to yellow is there a way to do that? Below is what I'm kind of talking about
Get-Logger "Hello Word Starting" -Foregroundcolor yellow -nonewline
Like this?
Function Get-Logger {
[validatescript({[enum]::getvalues([system.consolecolor]) -contains $_})][string]$messagecolor,
$TimeStamp = Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyy hh:mm:ss"
If ($nonewline){
Write-Host `t $message -ForegroundColor $($messagecolor) -nonewline
Else {
Write-Host `t $message -ForegroundColor $($messagecolor)
$logMessage = "[$TimeStamp] $message"
$logMessage | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $VerboseLogFile
Get-Logger "Hello Word Starting" -messagecolour yellow -nonewline