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Function with String Message, echos to screen, change the color of message

Good Morning all, SOLVED Both responses worked hand in hand. Big Thanks to Scepticalist and Wasif Hasan for the examples!!

I have a logging function that has a message parameter. Through the function it writes the message with a text color of green. Is there a way to change that color for certain messages for the log? Below is the function.

Function Get-Logger { 

    $TimeStamp = Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyy hh:mm:ss"

    Write-Host $TimeStamp -NoNewline
    Write-Host `t $message -ForegroundColor Green
    $logMessage = "[$TimeStamp]  $message"
    $logMessage | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $VerboseLogFile

For example as the log function is called it echo's back the message as green text, which is fine. But if I wanted to use the logging function to change the text of section headers to yellow is there a way to do that? Below is what I'm kind of talking about

Get-Logger "Hello Word Starting" -Foregroundcolor yellow -nonewline


  • Like this?

    Function Get-Logger { 
           [validatescript({[enum]::getvalues([system.consolecolor]) -contains $_})][string]$messagecolor,
        $TimeStamp = Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyy hh:mm:ss"
        If ($nonewline){
            Write-Host `t $message -ForegroundColor $($messagecolor) -nonewline
        Else {
            Write-Host `t $message -ForegroundColor $($messagecolor)
        $logMessage = "[$TimeStamp]  $message"
        $logMessage | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $VerboseLogFile


    Get-Logger "Hello Word Starting" -messagecolour yellow -nonewline